Monday, October 27, 2008

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

Steve Weinberg posts a book review of "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life" by Alice Schroeder. His review is posted on The Christian Science Monitor.

Here's an excerpt from the book and the review...

"At age 9, already obsessed with earning money, Warren Buffett is playing in the yard with his younger sister, catching snowflakes.

"He starts to pack them into a ball. As the snowball grows bigger, he places it on the ground. Slowly it begins to roll. He gives it a push, and it picks up more snow. He pushes the snowball across the lawn, piling snow on snow. Soon he reaches the edge of the yard. After a moment of hesitation, he heads off, rolling the snowball through the neighborhood.

"And from there, Warren continues onward, casting his eye on a whole world full of snow."

Read Weinberg's review here.

1 comment:

Worm said...

You can get the book summary here.